Wei Wang1(王薇) ; Yunning Liu1 (刘韫宁); Jiangmei Liu1 (刘江美); Peng Yin1 (殷鹏); Jinlei Qi1 (齐金蕾); Jinling You1 (由金玲); Lijun Wang1 (王黎君);
Maigeng Zhou(周脉耕)
What is already known about this topic?
There were approximately 1.23 million deaths reported among individuals aged 5–19 years worldwide in 2017.Limited attention has been paid to current mortality among primary and secondary school students aged 6–18 years in China.
What is added by this report?
In 2018, an estimated 28,519 deaths occurred among primary and secondary school students aged 6–18 years in China with an age-standardized mortality rate(ASMR) of 17.66 per 100,000. Substantial disparities existed among sexes, age groups, areas, and regions for different causes of death. Drowning, road traffic injuries, and leukemia were three leading causes of death.
What are the implications for public health practice?