




本周的美国疾病控制与预防中心《合理用盐电子报》包含美国农业部品牌食品数据库发布的公告,  一篇对各国政府在减少盐摄入方面所做行动的回顾,以及美国农业部的农场-学校直供拨款计划申请要求的公告。 


农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克Tom Vilsack发布了美国农业部品牌食品数据库。该数据库是一个免费的在线资源,包含超过80000种品牌的加工和包装食品营养信息。品牌食品数据库是对美国农业部国家营养数据库的升级与补充,后者包含约8800种品牌食品的基本营养信息。随着数据库中的营养信息的不断增加,新的美国农业部品牌食品数据库有望将来涵盖多达500000种产品的营养信息,并增加细节清单,包含食用份量、每包份量以及营养素等显示在营养成分表中的详细信息。 














Hello – 

This week’s CDC Salt e-Update includes the announcement of the USDA Branded Food Products Database launch, a review of National Government Initiatives to Reduce Salt Intake, and the USDA’s Farm to School Grant Program RFA announcement. 

USDA Launches Branded Food Products Database 

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack launched the USDA Branded Food Products Database<https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/>, a free online resource containing nutrition information on more than 80,000 name brand prepared and packaged foods.  The Branded Foods Products Database enhances and adds to the USDA National Nutrient Database, which contained basic nutrition information on around 8,800 branded foods.  As nutrition information continues to be added, it’s expected that the new USDA Branded Food Products Database will include up to 500,000 products with an expanded list of detail including serving size, servings per package and nutrients shown on the Nutrition Facts Panel. 

Read the full announcement. <https://www.ars.usda.gov/news-events/news/research-news/2016/usda-announces-new-open-data-partnership-for-public-health/> 

National Government Initiatives to Reduce Salt Intake in Populations A recent Cochrane review has been published that shows national sodium reduction initiatives have the potential to show population-wide reductions in salt intake, particularly if they are multi-component and incorporate intervention activities at a structural level, such as food product reformulation. This information may be useful in developing or improving national sodium reduction strategies.  A key message for Canada (the origin of the review) is that the current approach has been ineffective related to a failure to implement Canada’s Sodium Working Group multi-component strategy. A large number of national sodium reduction strategies were excluded from the review because of a lack of evaluation measures, emphasizing the importance of assessing the impact of programs. 

Read the full review. <http://www.cochrane.org/CD010166/PUBHLTH_national-government-initiatives-reduce-salt-intake-populations> 

USDA Farm to School Grant Program RFA Now Available 

USDA released the Fiscal year 2017 Farm to School Grant Program Request for Applications for up to $5 million in grant funds to further USDA efforts to increase locally sourced foods in America’s school meals.  On an annual basis, USDA awards up to $5 million in competitive grants for training, supporting operations, planning, purchasing equipment, developing school gardens, developing partnerships, and implementing farm to school programs.  USDA will host a webinar to review the RFA on September 29, 2016 and grant applications are due December 8, 2016. 

Read the full announcement. <http://www.fns.usda.gov/farmtoschool/farm-school-grant-program> 

Thank you for your continued engagement in sodium reduction. 

We are sending this information in an effort to inform our stakeholders of relevant sodium reduction efforts that are occurring. The purpose of this communication is to provide continued follow up with stakeholders and create a network of partners working on and interested in sodium reduction. The Salt e-Update will be sent every two weeks. For questions or comments, or to be added or removed from this communication, contact Hadley Hickner (xxm5@cdc.gov) 

Salt e-Update content is selected solely on the basis of newsworthiness and potential interest to readers. CDC assumes no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC. Opinions expressed by the original authors of items included in Salt e-Update, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the official position of CDC. References to products, trade names, publications, news sources, and Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by the CDC. 
